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ICB board report on scale and scope of VCSE

Black Country

This report for the ICB board summarises the scale and scope of the VCSE and proposes an approach that maximises its involvement across the health and care landscape at system level


Infographic - role of VCSE in an ICS

North East London

Infographic explaining the role of the VCSE in an ICS, how the VCSE strategic group will represent the sector and how different sizes of VCSE organisations will be represented


Structure dynamics and impact of VCSE (Yorkshire) - summary slides

Humber & North Yorkshire

Slides summarising independent report on the structure, dynamics and impact of the VCSE sector across two ICS areas


Structure, dynamics and impact of VCSE in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Independent report by Durham University on the structure, dynamics and impact of the VCSE sector in an ICS area


Structure, dynamics and impact of VCSE in Yorkshire - Full Report

West Yorkshire

Independent report by Durham University on the structure, dynamics and impact of the VCSE sector across two ICS areas


Creating partnerships for success


Summary of the learning from the early adopters of integrating the VCSE into health and care systems


Exploring and understanding the VCSE sector in provider collaboratives

NHS Confederation

Insights into the unique offer the VCSE sector has to support provider collaboratives


The state of integrated care systems 2022/23: Riding the storm

NHS Confederation

The State of Integrated Care Systems 2022/23 examines the progress that local systems have made, and opportunities for further development.