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Business case for investment in VCSE Alliance


Detailed business case for ICB investment in VCSE Assembly


Business case for investment in VCSE Alliance director and infrastructure

South West London

Business case for ICB investment in alliance director and associated infrastructure costs


Dedicated VCSE partnership / engagement space on ICB website

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Dedicated area on Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB website to share information on how their sector is engaged in health and care


Diagram of VCSE involvement in an ICS structure

North East and North Cumbria

Slide showing how the VCSE fits into the structure of the integrated care system


Example of lines of representation within an ICS

North East and North Cumbria

Slide showing lines of representation around the ICS


Integrated Care Strategy

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Lancashire & South Cumbria's strategy: how public bodies and the VCFSE sector will work in partnership with local people to improve health and wellbeing


VCSE staffing structure slide

North East and North Cumbria

Slide showing how the staff of the different VCSE infrastructure partners work together


VCSE Alliance governance principles and commitments

North West London

Detailed description of the how the VCSE Alliance will operate, including governance, membership, structures and decision making


Job description for a programme lead - VCSE engagement with PCNs

West Yorkshire

Job description: Programme Lead for VCSE engagement with primary care networks, West Yorkshire


Associate director Job Description

West Yorkshire

Job description for head of VCSE programme in ICS


VCSE Partnership Director Job Description

South East London

Job description for the Director of Voluntary Sector Engagement and Partnership


VCSE Engagement Programme Manager job description

West Yorkshire

Job Description for a Programme Manager on dedicated programme of VCSE engagement and service delivery


Guidance on developing a VCSE Alliance Director Job Description

South West London

Guidance on what to think about when planning the alliance director job