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‘’NAVCA offers thoughtful ways to do things differently. It is finding ways to shape its own future. Effective organisations not only plan for the future, they imagine what it could look like.’’

Judy Robinson, NAVCA Chair 2020-23

Download and read our annual report and accounts below.

Throughout 2022/23, we continued to champion the role of local infrastructure to support communities, including:

  • Co-chairing the VCS Emergencies Partnership, focusing on coordination of emergency responses;
  • Supporting VCSE involvement in health systems, and the development of social prescribing through new resources and guidance;
  • Publishing Connecting Locally, demonstrating the impact and value of the NAVCA membership;
  • Promoting the importance of community volunteering, through the Vision for Volunteering;
  • Launching the new LIQA (Local Infrastructure Quality Accreditation);
  • Building capacity in our member networks, such as the Anti-Racist Group and the Barking Owl communications network;
  • Training members to deliver cyber security training to 200 local organisations;
  • Funding members to support Ukrainian people arriving in England, distributing £400,000 and supporting over 20,000 refugees;
  • Funding 73 members and over 350 VCSE organisations to respond to the cost of living crisis, distributing £625,000.

Download Previous annual reports: